There are at least three reasons why the 90/10 Federal match will not be affected by the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision this week regarding the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). First, the basis for changing the Medicaid match for IT systems is deeply rooted in federal regulation, not statute. In effect, CMS simply […]
Month: June 2012
Our Job is to Help Children and Families: Why Should We Care about the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM)?
When I was an Assistant Commissioner for foster care for a large city in the United States, I spent my days primarily doing one of two things: 1) putting out fires; and 2) trying to change the system so those same fires didn’t rekindle when I turned my back to extinguish a different fire. All […]
The Fierce Urgency of NOW
In my 36-year career with the federal government, I have never seen a better time to reach our goals of achieving interoperability across the Health and Human Services Divide. From across the broad spectrum of stakeholders, organizations, key decision-makers and thought-leaders are all signing on. Like many of us, I have collected and treasured favorite […]