Showtime for NIC: Opportunities to Link, Learn and Lead

For nine months, the building of the National Interoperability Collaborative has mainly taken place behind the scenes, with the kinds of activities any new enterprise has to conduct to move forward – things like creating a charter and organizational materials, planning strategy and shaping relationships, and of course, starting to do the work that NIC […]

The Silicon Valley Regional Data Trust: Putting the Last Word First

With less than two weeks to go before the National Interoperability Collaborative’s first major event – “A Symposium in the NIC of Time: Advancing Information-Sharing in California and Beyond” – we’ve been giving considerable thought to how best to present our work at the Silicon Valley Data Trust (SVRDT) to the symposium’s attendees. The fact […]

Preventing the Next School Shooting: Information-Sharing Could Play a Key Role

There is every reason to believe that keeping guns away from people who are violent and have anti-social tendencies will, at the very least, reduce the number of mass-shooting fatalities.  It can be logically concluded that steps like universal background checks would have the desired effect.  However much we would all be elated to find […]