DASH Launches 3rd Round of Funding to Accelerate Local, Multisector Data Sharing Efforts

By Miriam Castro Data Across Sectors for Health (DASH) is launching the third round of its Mentor Program to support cohorts selected to learn with and from DASH mentors and community peers in order to accelerate their local, multisector data-sharing efforts. Our Mentor Program supports seven experienced organizations (listed below) by offering targeted technical assistance […]

Read All About It: New Publication Focuses on Stewards/Stanford Project

By Daniel Stein, Stewards of Change Institute Like so many others in the nonprofit world, those of us at Stewards of Change Institute (SOCI) do our work every day primarily because we deeply believe in our mission and are committed to improving people’s lives by advancing systems-level change. I have to admit, however, that it’s […]

Data Sharing in Times of Crisis: Responsible Data Use Playbooks

By Natalie Michelle Evans Harris See the original post on Medium. For years my mantra has been, “I just want to see data used to transform lives.” Little did I know that in 2020, the world would need data to save lives and livelihoods. Responsible data use and data sharing has always been capable of saving […]

Preventing the Next School Shooting: Information-Sharing Could Play a Key Role

There is every reason to believe that keeping guns away from people who are violent and have anti-social tendencies will, at the very least, reduce the number of mass-shooting fatalities.  It can be logically concluded that steps like universal background checks would have the desired effect.  However much we would all be elated to find […]

Taking Action During Disruptive Times: Two Exciting New SOCI Projects

(With Thanks to Kresge Foundation and Health Information and Management Systems Society) Wherever any of us may fall on the political spectrum, most professionals working to improve the health and well-being of people in our country can probably agree on this: It’s hard to predict how the disparate pieces of the healthcare puzzle will come […]

2nd Blog in This 3-Part Glass-is-Half-Full Series: The Path to Progress is Paved with Social Determinants

If you haven’t checked it out yet, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Leadership Network (in which I’m delighted to participate) is a consistently interesting and thought-provoking component of RWJF’s bold, expansive effort to create a Culture of Health in our country. I particularly liked one of the latest commentaries on this Linked-In site, which I urge […]

The Countdown Begins: Our 2nd Annual HHS Open DataFest is Coming Up!

Partnerships and collaborations (can someone please explain the difference to me?) are among the most-effective tools all of us have for doing the best work possible in many if not most circumstances. And, to my way of thinking, they also demonstrate that we mean what we say about making interoperability and information-sharing a part of […]

An Opportunity to Promote Progress in HHS – by Listening

It’s always a pleasure for me to spread the word about important initiatives in our world – and even more so when I have the privilege to be involved in one. That’s the case with an ambitious new effort announced yesterday by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, titled “Data for Health.” Its goal is to […]