Thousands of professionals across programs, systems and domains regularly engage with the National Interoperability Collaborative for its unique cross-sector resources, webinars, projects and relationships. Hundreds of you, individually or through your organizations, are NIC members. In other words, we have succeeded in building the “community of networks” that we envisioned when we launched the NIC […]
Category: Opioid Crisis
It’s Time to Add Prevention to the Fight Against the Opioid Epidemic; New Playbook Focuses on 11 Replicable Strategies to `Go Upstream’
By Daniel Stein and Paul Wormeli There are countless ways to demonstrate the horror of our nation’s opioid crisis, from raw numbers (over 47,600 opioid-related deaths in 2017) to records set (fatal overdoses now exceed vehicular deaths) to OMG descriptions of the drugs’ toxicity. A couple of recent examples: During a routine traffic stop last […]
Convenings, an Opioid Playbook and Well-Being: Still Learning after All These Years . . .
by Daniel Stein, President, SOC Institute and Co-P.I., NIC There are lots of reasons I’m grateful for what I get to do for a living, from the smart, passionate and compassionate people I’m honored to work with; to the promise (and reality) of advancing knowledge that can improve entire systems; and, most of all, to […]
The Cultural Challenge to Interoperability
By Paul Wormeli Even as there becomes greater acceptance of the need for interoperability across domains and disciplines in order to address serious social problems such as the opioid epidemic, cultural challenges remain as major obstacles to the practical implementation of this concept. One clear case study revealing the obstacles to interoperability can be found […]
It’s Time to Bring All the Players to the Table to Better-Address the Opioid Crisis
Bill Hazel is Senior Advisor for Strategic Initiatives and Policy at George Mason University in Virginia. He is the state’s former Secretary of Health and Human Resources, and serves on the Board of Directors of the Stewards of Change Institute For as many decades as I’ve been a conscious adult – which is quite a […]
A Webinar in the NIC of Time – Insights from the Front Lines: What’s Working (and Not Working) in the Battle against Opioids
In virtually every state of our country, efforts are being mounted to combat the worst public health crisis in modern U.S. history; that is, the opioid epidemic. Some of these initiatives are still in their early stages, while others are relatively advanced and starting to see successes. Regardless of where they are in their development, […]
Learning from 9/11: A New Approach to Fighting the Opioid Crisis
One of the major problems exposed by the tragedy on 9/11 was the inability of government agencies to reach across their silos to share critical information and to coordinate their efforts. To address that potential risk to U.S. national security, Congress voted to establish the Information Sharing Environment, the responsibility of which is to promote […]
Taking Action During Disruptive Times: Two Exciting New SOCI Projects
(With Thanks to Kresge Foundation and Health Information and Management Systems Society) Wherever any of us may fall on the political spectrum, most professionals working to improve the health and well-being of people in our country can probably agree on this: It’s hard to predict how the disparate pieces of the healthcare puzzle will come […]
A Growing Need to Balance Privacy with Greater Interoperability – Especially at a Time of Change!
Wherever you are on the political spectrum, one thing is crystal clear: We live in changing times. And we can feel quite certain that, in the next administration, one of the areas in which change will almost certainly be coming is in health and human services. There will be lots to discuss in the coming […]