Mural Gallery – 2019 CIE Summit

The Interoperability Gallery: A Visual Journey Through a Decade of Learning

Making Thinking Visual!

For more than a decade, Stewards of Change has used “vision mapping” – contemporaneously drawn graphic illustrations – to chronicle key themes, ideas and lessons from our symposia, trainings and other educational events. For the first time, we were able to bring almost three dozen of these visually arresting murals together for an Interoperability Gallery at the 2nd Annual CIE summit. By all accounts, the unique result was a showcase that induced hundreds of visitors to take photos, buzz about both the content and its presentation, and take information from the murals home to enhance their own work. At the request of other conference organizers who toured the gallery, our next step is to “take the show on the road” to enrich subsequent events.

The summit Gallery guide Gallery Docent Team

The vision behind the gallery Interested in hosting a gallery? Contact us!

The Gallery

CIE: Learning from Innovation and Success in San Diego

Topic: CIE
Event: NIC New England Fall Symposium 2018: Moving Upstream to Improve Health and Well-Being (November 26-28, 2018)
Session: Learning from Innovation and Success in San Diego
2-1-1 San Diego’s leaders discussed their Community Information Exchange (CIE), an ecosystem of multidisciplinary network partners that is shifting how health and social service providers deliver person-centered care and contribute to individual longitudinal records through shared language and outcomes. They described the CIE’s evolution in collaboration with San Diego’s HIE and the county ConnectWell to improve health equity and outcomes across systems of care.

Useful links: Event | Session presentation | Mural

Topic: National Interoperability Collaborative
Event: A Symposium in The NIC of Time: Advancing Information-Sharing in California and Beyond (June 19-20, 2017)
Session: NIC In Action: Building the National Interoperability Collaborative and Partner Activities
These presentations provided an overview of the progress NIC had made since it was launched at the Stewards of Change Institute’s 12th Annual National Symposium. Attendees learned about the projects in which NIC was involved – in California and beyond – and got a first look at NIC’s new website, its collaboration hub, and the initial module of its InterOptimability Training and Certification Curriculum (ITCC) program. Attendees also heard about NIC’s plans for the future.

Useful links: Event | Session video | Mural

Topic: Live Well San Diego
Event: California Systems Integration and Interoperability Symposium (May 21-23, 2013)
Session: Interoperability from One County’s Perspective-Live Well San Diego
The Director of the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency presented an overview of Live Well San Diego – a nationally recognized, innovative model for delivering holistic health and human services. He discussed the county’s overall strategic approach, key objectives and early results. He also focused on the opportunities, challenges and development plans that are core to the successful delivery of effective and efficient services to customers across the county.

Useful links: Event agenda | Session presentation | Mural

Topic: Stewards of Change Institute
Event: SOCI 12th Annual National Symposium: Taking Action During Disruptive Times: Advancing Progress on Innovation, Interoperability and Technology in HHS (June 19-20, 2017)
Session: Introducing the National Interoperability Collaborative and the HIMSS-SOCI Guidance Document and Action Plan
We framed the symposium’s purpose and core themes through discussion of the new Kresge Foundation-enabled work on NIC, as well as an SOCI-HIMSS Interoperability Guidance Document and Action Plan. The focus was on showing how the two initiatives intertwine – and how to leverage existing and new tools/models to better-address critical public health crises (e.g. opioids, water contamination, natural disasters, etc.). Our goal was to improve prevention, early detection and early intervention to coordinate and respond to public health-related emergencies.

Useful links: Event | Session presentation | Mural

Topics: Interoperability Journey Vision, Human Services 2.0 – InterOptimability
Event: SOCI 4th Annual National Symposium, Implementing InterOptimability: From Theory to Practice (January 19-21, 2009)
Session: Actualizing Customer-Centric Health and Human Services
This session focused on designing a national roadmap for building a person-centric, connected health, education and human services system that could expedite the process of breaking down silos and creating connections across them. The SOCI InterOptimability model was used to guide the process of how organizations could integrate and optimize their capacity to learn, plan and leverage interoperability – and identified the implications and considerations for individuals, communities and organizations.

Useful links: Session presentation | Mural

Topics: Interoperability Journey Vision, National Vision
Event: SOCI 3rd Annual National Symposium, Preparing Child Welfare for the 21st Century Information Technology Revolution (October 31, 2007)
Session: InterOptimability Visioning and Planning
During the symposium, attendees representing a wide range of programs and sectors worked to draft the first Human Services Vision Mural. This effort delved into the core considerations, challenges and opportunities that were resonant in their communities, organizations and the broader HHS ecosystem. A wide range topics were discussed, including how to build resilient partnership structures to improve collaboration, focus on consumer-centered care and build supportive governance to support human services integration and technology advancements.

Useful links: Session presentation | Mural

Topics: Interoperability Journey Vision, Administration for Children and Families
Event: Visioning Session at the Administration for Children and Families, US Department of HHS (March 15-16, 2010)
Session: Administration for Children and Families Visioning Session with Senior Leadership Team
ACF’s two-day Change Vision work with SOCI was designed to create a unified “change vision” and preliminary “roadmap” to facilitate broad-scale communication of the agency’s integrated services strategy, as well as to guide the planning, development and implementation of interoperability throughout ACF and across other federal agencies. One outcome was greater organizational alignment around a mutually agreed-upon future. This “To Be” state was used as the standard to evaluate business processes and determine appropriate new ones. It was also useful for planning organizational changes. It provided a shorthand language that enabled staff to literally “see” the vision, interact with it and discuss integrated services, new processes and organizational values.

Useful links: Mural

Topics: Interoperability Journey Vision, Systems of Systems Engineering
Event: Achieving Interoperability: Implementing Solutions to Connect Health and Human Services (June 10-12, 2013)
Session: The Big Picture: Enterprise Systems Thinking for Health and Human Services
The concept of a “System of Systems” was introduced as a model to address the highly complex task of building interoperable systems to deliver results greater than the sum of the individual systems. Massive system integration and interoperability efforts began to take root across the health and human service field, fueled in large part by the Affordable Care Act, which provided new investments, administrative flexibility and a drive for innovation. As leaders across the government and private sectors faced these uncharted territories, serious considerations arose about how to plan, manage and optimize change efforts at an unprecedented scale. Systems of Systems thinking provided a conceptual framework for HHS to consider how to manage a wide array of existing and new systems so they can interoperate more effectively and efficiently.

Useful links: Session presentation | Mural

Topics: Interoperability Journey Vision, SDOH
Event: SOCI 10th Annual National Symposium: Harnessing the Power of Information Interoperability and Social Determinants to Advance Health and Wellness Integration (June 22-24, 2015)
Session: Applying Social Determinants to Improve Health and Well-Being
As millions of people gained access to health care coverage, the opportunity and need to learn about the role of the Social Determinants of Health and Well-Being became more pressing than ever. This session provided a foundational understanding of the social determinants, as well as the implications for redesigning systems that consider the impact on population health outcomes and on individuals in the context of their resources, living environments, families and communities. We also explored the progress and promising practices relating to the rebalancing of investments when social determinants are included, as well as the challenges of this more-integrated approach.

Useful links: Event | Video | Video | Mural

Topics: Interoperability Journey Vision, Office of the National Coordinator Federal Keynote
Event: SOCI 10th Annual National Symposium: Harnessing the Power of Information Interoperability and Social Determinants to Advance Health and Wellness Integration (June 22-24, 2015)
Session: Insights on ONC's Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap
Underlying the Affordable Care Act's "Triple Aim" (improving the quality, cost and patient experience) were the objectives of person-centric practices and interoperability. Yet, after a decade of nurturing these goals, there were only a limited number of examples of system interoperability within HHS. In its 10-year "Connecting Health and Health Care” plan, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology described 11 federal actions to help drive demand for interoperability. Signaling the end of ONC's narrowly focused HIE policies, this draft roadmap invited the convergence of diverse stakeholders, external forces and interests to collaboratively lead and govern the HHS ecosystem. The presenters shared their perspectives on the promise and challenges of advancing interoperability and incorporating social determinants.

Useful links: Event | Video | Mural

Topics: Interoperability in Action, Diversity and Equity, Race Equity
Event: NIC New England Fall Symposium 2018: Moving Upstream to Improve Health and Well-Being (November 26-28, 2018)
Session: Can the Solution be Right if the Data is Biased?
Implicit bias and institutional discrimination are important factors that help to shape research, policy and practice. This session examined the role of these “invisible social determinants;” why they should become integral elements of reform efforts; and specific steps for making progress. The presenters also addressed this central question: How do data-integration platforms and strategies functionally do no harm? This question acknowledged that tools that create pathways to accelerate data-sharing and system interoperability inherently have the capacity to “profile poverty,” codify racism and engineer disadvantage.

Useful links: Event | Session presentation | Mural

Topics: Interoperability in Action, Opioid Epidemic Case Study
Event: SOCI 11th Annual National Symposium: Interoperability in Action: What’s Working Now – and How We Can Shape the Future (June 13-14, 2016)
Session: Case Study: Battling the Opioid/Heroin Epidemic with Better Information-Sharing and Interoperability
This session used a case study methodology to engage participants in discussions that addressed a national epidemic that is affecting virtually every community in the nation, i.e., the opioid addiction and heroin crisis. Participants explored the impact of the crisis in general, and also focused on the immediate and long-term effects on health and human services programs. In particular, panelists explored the ways in which better information-sharing and technology could improve upstream prevention efforts and early Intervention strategies.

Useful links: Event | Video | Session presentation | Mural

Topics: Interoperability in Action, Opioid Epidemic Recommendations
Event: SOCI 11th Annual National Symposium: Interoperability in Action: What’s Working Now – and How We Can Shape the Future (June 13-14, 2016)
Session: Interoperability into the Future: Recommendations for the Next Administration
The goal of this interactive session was to develop recommendations for the next Administration to advance the incorporation of the Social Determinants of Health and Well-Being into HHS policy and practice through better information-sharing and interoperability. Participants were introduced to and used “system-thinking” models to simulate the impact of a particular scenario on the HHS sector. The intent was to extend the learning from the opioid/heroin crisis case study in order to identify and develop actionable recommendations. This session also focused on the symposium’s larger question: How We Can Shape the Future? The objective was to catalyze action by strengthening connections among participants to support interoperability efforts.

Useful links: Event | Video | Mural

Topics: Interoperability in Action, Technology and Data, Advancing Cross-Sector Cooperation
Event: SOCI Open DataFest III: Southern California (January 24, 2017)
Session: Framing the Big Issues: Mental and Behavioral Health, Adverse Childhood Experiences, Social Services and Early Childhood Development
This session addressed key factors impacting early childhood development and education; prenatal exposure and mental/behavioral health; their effects on families and communities; and where better data and information-sharing might enhance decision-marking and outcomes. The intent was to enhance understanding of what data has to say and its use to improve policy and practice.

Useful links: Mural

Topics: Interoperability in Action, Technology and Data, Sharing Data to Fuel Progress
Event: SOCI Open DataFest III: Southern California (January 24, 2017)
Session: Case Studies: Using Data to Fuel Progress
Presenters discussed how they had used data and information-sharing to better understand and address specific issues and challenges to improve policies, programs and outcomes for children, families and communities. The intent was to provide insights and practical means by which other attendees could utilize or adapt these experiences to improve processes and results in their own realms/organizations.

Useful links: Mural

Topics: Interoperability in Action, Technology and Data, Innovation Spotlight: Google and the Power of Information
Event: SOCI 10th Annual National Symposium: Harnessing the Power of Information Interoperability and Social Determinants to Advance Health and Wellness Integration (June 22-24, 2015)
Session: Wisdom and Knowledge in the Age of Google
This session examined two user trends – increased on-demand information consumption and changed/changing sharing norms – and how their intersection provides the opportunity for new types of digital and physical services. Specifically, we examined what is required to enable on-demand information consumption at scale, including access, context and trust. We also discussed how the norms for rich digital sharing influence the norms for physical sharing and how this was rapidly leading to new mediums for sharing from vehicles to beds to gardens and yes, healthcare.

Useful links: Event | Video | Mural

Topics: Interoperability in Action, Technology and Data, Cognitive Computing and Child Welfare
Event: SOCI 11th Annual National Symposium: Interoperability in Action: What’s Working Now – and How We Can Shape the Future (June 13-14, 2016)
Session: Innovation Spotlight: Employing Cognitive Computing to Advance Program Effectiveness
This presentation explained how cognitive computing is helping to turn information into actionable knowledge, and explored the future of this promising technology. Examples of current usage were drawn from the realms of health care and human services across the nation and the world, including the potential impact on child welfare outcomes. The speakers also discussed the potential impact of cognitive computing to revolutionize our thinking and our approach to knowledge management, decision-making and harvesting vast information from across networks.

Useful links: Event | Video | Session presentation | Mural

Topics: Interoperability in Action, Governance and Leadership, California Governance Plan
Event: California HHS Interoperability Symposium II (May 21-23, 2013)
Session: Governance Committee Report and Discussion
Planning teams presented their key concepts, core deliverables and actionable recommendations. Topics included the approved Governance Model, the governance process flow, and a descriptive narrative about the relevance of governance to decision-making and issue resolution. After the committee briefing, a vendor representative presented a Proof of Concept result addressing Psychotropic Medication Authorization (PMA) Process for Foster Care Youth. The presentation included a brief discussion about this solution as it related to governance and a walk-through of the governance process using PMA as a practical example. Participants then discussed the governance process and ways it could improve their daily operations and broader impact.

Useful links: Mural

Topics: Interoperability in Action, Governance and Leadership, Advancing and Sustaining Progress
Event: NIC New England Fall Symposium 2018: Moving Upstream to Improve Health and Well-Being (November 26-28, 2018)
Session: The View from the Top I: Advancing and Sustaining Progress from the State Perspective
What innovations, processes and changes are needed to integrate the social determinants of health and well-being upstream into the HHS ecosystem? In this session, HHS leaders from NIC’s three inaugural partner states discussed specific ways they had sought to answer that question, the successes they’d had, the challenges they’d faced, and the times they’d wished they hadn’t come to the office. A primary focus of the conversation was the strategies and programs they had used to instigate change and what they’d learned about replicating, scaling and sustaining it.

Useful links: Event | Mural

Topics: Interoperability in Action, Governance and Leadership, Federal Interagency Collaboration
Event: SOCI 10th Annual National Symposium: Harnessing the Power of Information Interoperability and Social Determinants to Advance Health and Wellness Integration (June 22-24, 2015)
Session: Federal Interagency Collaboration – Perspectives, Pitfalls…and Progress
This session examined the advances federal administrators were achieving – and the challenges they continued to face – as they built bridges across health, public health, human services, justice agencies and other sectors. They focused on initiatives in which progress was occurring, specific tools and models that could be shared, and emerging efforts that held the promise for advancing information-sharing and interoperability. The panelists also considered the symposium’s guiding question regarding how to reapportion strategy, policy and funding resources so that the Social Determinants of Health and Well-Being received great consideration and investment.

Useful links: Event | Video | Mural

Topics: Interoperability in Action, Examples of Interoperability Implementations, Bridgeport Prospers Baby Bundle
Event: NIC New England Fall Symposium 2018: Moving Upstream to Improve Health and Well-Being (November 26-28, 2018)
Session: Bridgeport Prospers, Baby Bundle: Moving Upstream from Birth to Three
The presenters provided an overview of this ambitious, multi-domain initiative that is bringing together early education, hospitals, schools, public safety and other relevant Department of Social Services programs to improve the lives of infants, children and families through early detection and intervention. Discussion about this innovative initiative, on which NIC is working with the key players on the ground, focused on key insights and how “Baby Bundle” can be shaped and implemented not only to benefit the struggling community it is intended to serve, but also so that it can become a pilot for replication across Connecticut and, perhaps, far beyond.

Useful links: Event | Session presentation | Mural

Topics: Interoperability in Action, Examples of Interoperability Implementations, New York City: A 10-Year Interoperability Journey
Event: California HHS Interoperability Symposium II (May 21-23, 2013)
Session: New York City HHS Connect Presentation
This session presented New York City’s decade-long journey creating interoperability across many of its health and human service programs. The success that New York achieved provided many lessons learned for California and elsewhere – and was cited as a leading example of interoperability within Health and Human Services.

Useful links: Mural

Topics: Interoperability in Action, Examples of Interoperability Implementations, Moving from Theory to Reality in Baltimore
Event: SOCI 10th Annual National Symposium: Harnessing the Power of Information Interoperability and Social Determinants to Advance Health and Wellness Integration (June 22-24, 2015)
Session: A Baltimore Case Study: Moving from Theory to Reality – Understanding the Relationship among Social Determinants, Racism and Structural Inequities to Improve Health, Wellness and Safety
Given the unrest in the event’s host city, and the attention it received, this session identified practical solutions to help Baltimore move forward – and to assist other communities across the nation facing similar challenges. The panel discussed how policymakers and practitioners could better use data to understand the underlying causes of poor health and discontent to inform more-effective decision-making and policy-making. Fundamentally, this session addressed how we can better use data to guide interventions and understand the relationships among social determinants, racism and structural inequities related to both poor health and violence. Insights, challenges and solutions discussed during this session informed symposium recommendations.

Useful links: Event | Video | Mural

Topics: Interoperability in Action, Examples of Interoperability Implementations, Privacy and Confidentiality
Event: California HHS Interoperability Symposium (May 21-23, 2013)
Session: Getting to Yes!
Presentations and discussions focused on innovative practices and projects from California that were enabling information-sharing, while respecting confidentiality, privacy rights and security. The focus was “getting to yes,” rather than discussing barriers. Panelists shared recent efforts, successes and ongoing projects in the areas of health, public assistance, child welfare and courts. The panel presented promising approaches and technologies; table discussions then focused on the processes and impact of expanded data-sharing, including questions relating to initiatives such as Health Information Exchange, Electronic Health Records and changes to the Affordable Care Act.

Useful links: Mural

Topics: What’s Next, The Role of Research and Analytics to Improve Lives
Event: A Symposium in The NIC of Time: Advancing Information-Sharing in California and Beyond (March 26-27, 2018)
Session: The Art of the Possible: Precision Human Services
“Person-centered care” is being refined and redefined as a result of innovative information-sharing initiatives in California and around the country. Today, the goal is not only to ensure that every individual’s specific circumstances are being addressed holistically, but also to integrate the gamut of available data relating to the social factors that impact health and well-being. This session explored promising near- and longer-term opportunities to improve the way our systems share information and deliver care more effectively and efficiently.

Useful links: Event | Video | Mural

Useful links: Mural

Useful links: Mural

Useful links: Mural

Useful links: Mural