Learning Library

Our Learning Library is intended as a virtual resource center where professionals can go for a broad range of information relating to interoperability, information-sharing and the six domains in which NIC primarily works: human services, education, public health, public safety, health information technology and emergency services. We have vetted and aggregated numerous studies, guidance documents and other materials, which can be sorted in a variety of ways for easy access and use – and we will add resources continually over time. The Learning Library is available to all professionals interested in the subject matter.

To make the Learning Library as robust and beneficial as possible, we welcome recommendations of relevant content that users encounter elsewhere, that they have produced themselves or that they are already utilizing. Please fill out and submit the form below to provide your suggestions and comments, or send an email to info@stewardsofchange.org.

11-15-2021 White Paper

National Commission to Transform Public Health Data Systems

This paper explains the Commission, the foundational white papers, defines terms, describes the Commission approach, and outlines the guiding principles of a modern, equity-oriented public health data system and what that system does. This includes a brief summary of past and present data modernization initiatives.

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11-15-2021 Report

Charting a Course for an Equity-Centered Data System: Recommendations from the National Commission to Transform Public Health Data Systems

The COVID-19 pandemic laid bare the gaps in our public health and health data infrastructure and illuminated the many ways in which they perpetuate vast health inequities. To work toward a modernized health data system, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation established a first-of-its-kind National Commission to Transform Public Health Data Systems to reimagine how data are collected, shared, and used, and identify the investments needed to improve health equity. Commissioners examined both the systems and the data needed to ensure public health information works for all, including: who the data we collect elevates, who is being centered in our data, who is being excluded, and why.  

The Commission’s recommendations for the nation call on government at all levels, business, community-based organizations, philanthropy, and others to take specific action to reimagine and modernize the public health data system.

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05-13-2020 Brief

Interoperability Insights: Demonstrating the Need and the Benefits of Connecting Health and Human Services

This SOCI Issue Brief uses the Integrated Care for Kids (InCK), an initiative funded by the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI), to illustrate the far-broader need for interoperability and information-sharing across programs, systems, and domains. Our intent, with this paper and with Project Unify, is to provide practical guidance, tools, and models that can be leveraged, replicated, and improved over time to address the enormous and growing need for coordinated care across the nation.

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11-06-2019 Report

Public Libraries Respond to the Opioid Crisis with Their Communities

Summary Report: As the impact of the opioid epidemic is felt in communities across the US, public libraries are choosing to be part of the community response. With funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, (project number LG-00-18-0298-18), and in partnership with the Public Library Association (PLA), OCLC is sharing knowledge and resources that will help public libraries and their community partners develop effective strategies to address the opioid epidemic in America.

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10-30-2019 Report

DASH Environmental Scan: Early Learnings from an Emerging Field

In 2015, Data Across Sectors for Health (DASH) conducted an environmental scan of the state of multi-sector data sharing initiatives aimed at improving community health. Monitoring and analysis is ongoing, but the initial findings show a vibrant and diverse set of initiatives exist across the country. The results, summarized in this executive summary, provide context on the landscape in which DASH and similar initiatives are working.

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10-30-2019 Article

The feasibility of screening for social determinants of health: Seven lessons learned

“Social determinants of health” (SDOH) has become an inescapable buzzword in family medicine in part because of the magnitude of impact that SDOH have on our patients’ wellbeing. Drawing a direct comparison between social factors and medical conditions, researchers have estimated that low education, racial segregation, and low social support make a contribution to mortality that is equivalent to acute myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular disease, and lung cancer, respectively. Particularly as we strive toward the Quadruple Aim in health care, the “conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age” can no longer be categorized strictly as nonmedical factors and, therefore, outside the scope of primary care.

Although many in primary care agree about the importance of screening patients for social needs and referring to supportive community resources, legitimate concerns exist about the feasibility of doing so. To explore these issues, our family medicine clinic recently conducted a nine-month SDOH pilot project. This article shares our outcomes and some surprising lessons learned.

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10-08-2019 Toolkit

Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder Playbook

The AHRQ Academy developed the Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder Playbook (referred to as the MAT for OUD Playbook), a practical guide for implementing MAT in primary care and other ambulatory care settings. While the Playbook aims to help providers in rural primary care, the information in the Playbook should apply to other ambulatory care settings. This interactive, web-based product has the latest guidance, tools, and resources that address key aspects of implementation.

The MAT for OUD Playbook aims to address the growing need for guidance as more primary care practices and health systems begin to implement MAT. The Playbook’s framework is designed to be useful for practices implementing any array of MAT servi

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